Whitney’s (QPR) Tarot Emporium // Aelita’s Love Life

Written by on August 12, 2021

Editor’s Note: This is something fun we’ve been doing in the Discord’s Quid Pro Roll channel (bit.ly/goblindiscord). We thought it’d be fun to publish them as a series on Patreon and the blog for the next few weeks. Enjoy, and thanks, Whitney, for letting us use these!


Now, don’t worry about cards being inverted. It’s not necessarily a bad thing.

I find it interesting that both Aelita and Solanar have Cups in their pasts, and inverted.

1) Seven of Cups (inverted)

Okay, so as indicated earlier, Cups have to do with emotions, love, and relationships.

Now, the number seven deals with conflicts and challenges. Normally, the Seven of Cups has to do with having difficulty making a decision, because there are so many cool choices!

Since Aelita’s card was inverted, that means that things are moving forward for her. Whatever decision she was dealing with, it was made for her or she found a way to make it happen.

2) Present: The Devil (inverted)

Okay, the Devil. It usually represents ego, bondage, manipulation, feeling trapped. But since Aelita’s is inverted, that means she’s free! Somehow in her present, Aelita has found her courage to free herself. It could be something inside her that was keeping her in bondage.

Right now, she’s no longer trapped by the choices she’s made, or not made. Inaction can keep us in bondage too.

3) Future: Strength (inverted)

Honestly, this surprised me at first. But knowing Aelita, and the position she’s in now on her journey, it might make sense. Strength is all about inner power, but without being forceful. Being firm, but sensitive.

With the card inverted, Aelita may be finding her newfound courage and freedom being tested by insecurity. She may feel the old feeling of wanting someone else to solve her problems for her. This doesn’t mean she’ll actually do that, but it’s something to be mindful of. If Aelita wants good, true love, she needs to remember how she’s grown and take hold of that strength within.



4) The Moon

Aelita is in for a ride! The Moon is when things get a little trippy. Maybe in light of the inverted Strength card, Aelita may feel that everything is unclear and nothing is what it seems. But Aelita has powerful intuition, even without the Moon Pendant. Pay attention to her dreams!

5) Page of Cups

Another Page card! Aelita and Solanar with these Page cards! Anyway, associated as they are with love and emotion, Aelita may have a message of love, happy news, or a clear flash of intuition coming her way. Pages are usually messengers. It also symbolizes a new relationship or project.

Okay, there you go!

To all QPR players: I apologize for all shenanigans that will ensue from any and all tarot card readings.

Good night! Thank you for visiting Whitney’s Tarot Emporium.

Whitney’s Tarot Emporium is the creation of Whitney Zahar, she performs these readings using the Darkness of Light tarot deck, if you enjoy the images, please consider purchasing a deck of your own!

Whitney has a book out called “The Safe Room.” It’s her debut novella!

You can purchase it as either an ebook or paperback.

Show your support and give her positive reviews, so she can publish more literature in the future!

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