Character Backstory: Lauren of @feminist.reading.list

Written by on August 31, 2020

We’re chatting with Lauren of @feminist.reading.list, one of the founding hosts of our monthly virtual Goblin Book Club!

Hey Lauren! Tell us about yourself!
Hi! I’m Lauren (she/her), I’m really loving getting to collab with the Goblin crew on book club and some other projects. I a big bookworm and read mostly sci-fi, fantasy, and romance genres with an emphasis on queer, female, and POC voices. I’m also an all around nerd and love tabletop board gaming, D&D, LARPing, and anime.

I studied history and art history in undergrad and worked as an archaeologist and in museums in my early 20’s. While I work up in DC doing policy stuff now I will always have a soft spot for all things classical and archaeological. When I’m not reading or gaming, I love to bake vegan treats to share with my friends.

What made you start @feminist.reading.list and get into the #bookstagrammer game?
The short answer is so I didn’t keep bothering my friends on my regular Instagram with posts about books… The long answer is that for a while I felt like I was reading the same types of stories over and over again, and not only was this kinda boring but it also didn’t reflect my life. I wanted to get back into reading and I went out of my way to seek out books written by and about women, POC, and queer folk. It opened up this whole other world and re-inspired my love of reading, and I really wanted to share that with people!

What book (or books) was your first love?
Oh man, this is a hard one! Obviously Harry Potter shaped my childhood tastes but I also want to majorly shout out Protector of the Small and basically everything by Tamora Pierce. Her books were the first YA fantasies I read that engaged critically with sexism and the first where sex was portrayed as normal/healthy and not tied to destiny or true love. It totally blew my middle school brain!

Do you have an all-time favorite genre?
Don’t make me choose between fantasy and sci-fi!!

What is your favorite guilty pleasure read?
Anything and everything by Laurell K. Hamilton, I feel like I have read at least a dozen of her books and enjoyed every page of sexy vampire, werewolf, and fae action.

What is your favorite thing about Goblin Book Club?
I love getting to read along with people through the Discord chat and seeing everyone’s theories on what is going to happen in that month’s book! Everyone is so thoughtful and I love hearing other perspectives during book club.

How do you think you can use your platform, and by extension, how we can use Goblin Book Club, to build a more inclusive community in nerdy spaces?

Wow great question! This is something I’m really passionate about. I want my platform to be a place that promotes the voices and stories of groups that traditionally haven’t been represented in mainstream nerd circles. I think books are one of the most powerful tools for instilling empathy and promoting understanding.

When I was thinking about inclusivity in my platform and reading choices, the first way I started was by taking a critical look at what kind of content I am consuming and creating, and asking myself what’s missing? Once you see where that deficit is you can start taking steps to address it.

It can be really easy to get into a bubble, especially when you follow or play games with people similar to you. Try and break that bubble and follow or reach out to someone different – establish that connection! Supporting and listening to people with different experiences – be it race, gender, sexuality, or ability – will open you up to a real diversity of perspective and help you create a more inclusive space.

What do you hope to share with your IG followers? What takeaways do you hope they get from your Insta?
I really want to connect with people and enjoy geeking out about books together. I hope the folks that follow me or come across my Insta find a fun welcoming place and some killer book recommendations that maybe they wouldn’t have come across otherwise.

If you had to recommend your favorite non-sci-fi, non-fantasy book to the Goblin Book Club, what would it be?
I would totally do a romance! I love the genre and it never gets taken seriously (hmm, written almost exclusively by women and for women… I wonder why???). The opportunity to introduce it to a wider audience would be amazing. For an easy intro book I would choose Get A Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert. Not only is it a super fun read but the lead, Chloe, has a chronic illness and getting to see the world through that lens really taught me a lot. Seriously give it a chance!

What is your favorite class to play in D&D, and are you currently playing in any games?
I’m currently playing through Curse of Strahd with some friends. I don’t really have a favorite class, I like shaking things up and trying something different every time.

What are your favorite quarantine down-time activities, besides reading?
I love to bake! I have been trying to challenge myself with some ambitious baking projects lately; I’m most proud of my vegan raspberry macarons. 

Hit us with some favorite book memes!

Where else can we find you on the internet?
You can find me on Instagram @feminist.reading.list!

Join us as part of the virtual Goblin Book Club!

Sorry, there is nothing for the moment.

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